Join The Club: Your Membership Matters
The Smith College Club of Minnesota is one of the largest and most active clubs in the country. Our primary goal is to foster connections that continue the Smith experience throughout our lives. Local alums hold a wide range of events for networking and connecting – from casual small group activities to larger fundraising events.
We also have an active recruiting presence with area high schools, working to encourage Minnesota students to attend what we believe is one of the very best colleges in the country.
When you become a member of the Smith College Club of Minnesota, you support Club activities, including the recruitment efforts of our Alumnae Admissions Coordinators and the community-building opportunities offered year-round.
Yearly dues are valid from July 1 to June 30:
Regular Membership – $30
Young Alum Membership (Graduated in the last 5 years) – $15
Current Graduate Student Membership – $10
Greater Minnesota Membership (Outside Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro Area) – $10
*Emeritus Membership (50+ years since graduation) – $0
Pay your dues:
- Online thru Paypal by clicking the “Renew or Join Now” button on this page
- In person at Club events
- By mail, please send a check payable to the “Smith College Club of MN” to Club Treasurer, Jennifer Whittaker, 2119 Humboldt Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55405
*Emeritus members do not need to renew or join as members, though donations to support club operating costs are greatly appreciated.
Got questions? Please contact Club Treasurer, Jennifer Whittaker at treasurer@smithclubmn.org.